Current MA students
Gabriele Cocco
Sammy Hitomi
Spencer Poggemann
Olya Sukhanova
MA committees chaired
Michael Cook, 2024.
Truncated and non-truncated A-not-A constructions: Frequency, probability, and genre effects
Jill Van Wormer, 2024.
Flora and fauna lexical indicators for prehistoric movement of Yuman peoples.
Harmit Chima, 2023.
Understanding Netflix Korean drama fandom via online discourse: A topic modeling analysis of Reddit posts
(Big Data Analytics).
Deanne Hunter, 2019.
Sonority distance preferences in developmental dyslexia: Investigating linguistic universals for application in clinical approaches
Beate Morales, 2019.
Metaphors be with you: An examination of the metaphor "A COLLEGE DEGREE IS A DOORWAY" and how it relates to metaphors in general
Andrea Scalero, 2017.
Homophony and Conversion (Zero Derivation): The durational differences of seemingly phonetically identical lexeme pairs
Hasan Autman, 2016.
A corpus study of ethnic slurs and derogatory language across Reddit and YouTube with sentiment considered
Keith Diedrick, 2016.
Normies and Anons: A study of impoliteness, swearwords, and sentiments in anonymous speech online
Roselene Freeman, 2015.
Observing language changes in aging and Alzheimer's speech using information theory techniques
Sara Kazemi, 2014.
Computational simulation of linguistic change: An agent-based model
Brandon Devine, 2014.
A method of segmenting topical Twitter hashtags
Albina Davliyeva, 2011.
An investigation of Kazan Tatar morphology
Steven Ehrenfeld, 2011.
Predicting video game sales using an analysis of Internet message board discussions
John Fitzpatrick, 2006.
Grammar induction with a genetic algorithm
Yoon Hee Lee, 2006.
Automatic learning of semantic relations of NP PP syntactic patterns in medical texts
Guoyan Lu, 2005.
English 'break' verbs: An investigation on Levin verb classes
MA thesis committee membership
Travis Putman, 2024.
Effects of perceived gender and anthropomorphization of AI on linguistic alignment
Xico Casillas, 2022.
Assessing the Temporal Behavior of Semantic Neologisms in comparison to Lexical Neologisms
Alex Dodge, 2019.
Importing knowledge base information into distributional word vectors.
Guerrero, Kelly, 2019.
Morphological variability in Spanish heritage speakers' comprehension of noun-adjective gender agreement.
Bandin, Yvette, 2018.
Attraction-based interference in the comprehension of gender agreement in Spanish
Kim, Sun Hee, 2017.
Domain-specific sentiment analysis of firm brand
(SDSU information systems).
Palmer, Timothy, 2016.
A corpus-driven, keyword-centered approach to lexical bundles in grade comments
Zakaria, Ghassan, 2015.
Tayyib (طيب): a corpus-based approach
Proffitt, Eric, 2015.
Corpus-based methods for the unsupervised grading of short answer questions
(SDSU, applied math).
Stephens, Elisabeth, 2014.
Human evaluation on statistical machine translation
Singh, Simmerdeep, 2014.
Online portal for San Diego County
(SDSU computer science).
Vartivarian, Salpi, 2013.
A test case for Relevance Theory: The cognitive underpinnings of emphatic “do”
Stephens, Kellen, 2013.
Modeling human phonotactic judgments using classifiers
Preetam Borah, 2012.
Implementation of DTW algorithm for application security
(M.S., computer science).
Daisuke Amano, 2012.
A maximum entropy approach to Japanese zero subject antecedent detection
Saurabh Gupta, 2012.
Cloud computing technologies overview and comparison – “Microsoft Azure vs Amazon EC2”
(M.S., computer science).
Brandon Webb, 2012.
Performance and scene
Jaibei Zhou, 2011.
Educational tool for Charniak's Marker-Passing Algorithm
(M.S., computer science).
Charles Schmidt, 2008.
Effects of irregular topology in spherical self-organizing maps
(M.S., Geography).
Jinyi Wang, 2006.
A Maximum Entropy Approach to Higher Order Speaker Recognition
(M.S., computer science).
Emily Wilson, 2006.
Maximum Entropy as a New Approach to Unsupervised Military Email Classification
Jing Liu, 2004.
Instantaneous Classification of Speakers into Speaker Groups
(M.S., computer science).
PhD thesis committee membership
Matthew Zaslansky, 2019.
A typology of overabundance in the Turkic causative
(C.Phil, UCSD linguistics).
Thompson, Amber, 2018.
Morphological organization and first language acquisition: A case study of French verbs
(C.Phil, UCSD linguistics).
Patterson, Gary, 2018.
Identifying author topic stance in online discussion forums
(Ph.D., UCSD linguistics).
Seyfarth, Scott, 2016.
Contextual and morphological effects in speech production
(Ph.D., UCSD linguistics).
Kanwal, Jasmeen, 2015.
The Principle of Least Effort and language evolution: A diachronic corpus study
(C.Phil., UCSD linguistics).
Lee, Leslie, 2013.
Event structure and grammatical patterns: Resultative constructions
(Ph.D., UCSD linguistics).
Colavin, Rebecca, 2013.
Phonotactic probability in Amharic: A psycholinguistic and computational investigation
(Ph.D., UCSD linguistics).
Lara Taylor.
Maximum Entropy Models for Pronoun Resolution
(C.Phil, UCSD linguistics).
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