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Robert Malouf. 2025. "Constructional effects in the evolution of English “help”." 2025 Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Philadelphia . [ slides ]

Ágnes Kalivoda, Farrell Ackerman, and Robert Malouf. 2025. "The unusual diachronic development of a typologically uncommon desiderative construction." 2025 Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Philadelphia . [ slides ]


Matt Zaslansky, Farrell Ackerman, and Robert Malouf. 2024. "Turning Surprise into Expectation: Karakalpak valency-changing morphology." 57th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Workshop on the Determinism Assumption in Morphology, Helsinki . [ slides ]

Robert Malouf. 2024. "Constructions in language change: The case of help/help to." 16th International American Association for Corpus Linguistics Conference (AACL 2024), Eugene. [ slides ]

Ágnes Kalivoda, Farrell Ackerman, and Robert Malouf. 2024. "The origin and development of Hungarian desiderative constructions." 21st International Morphology Meeting (IMM21), Vienna. [ slides ]


Eric Meinhardt, Farrell Ackerman, and Robert Malouf. 2022. "Morphology gets more and more complex, unless it doesn't." In Andrea Sims, Adam Ussishkin, Jeff Parker, and Samantha Wray (ed.), Morphological Diversity and Linguistic Cognition. Cambridge University Press,

Farrell Ackerman, Ágnes Kalivoda, and Robert Malouf. 2022. "Always far from perfect, yet always good enough." 20th International Morphology Meeting (IMM20), Budapest. [ slides ]

Robert Malouf. 2022. "Change and stability in English ingressive aspect constructions." 15th International American Association for Corpus Linguistics Conference (AACL 2022), Flagstaff. [ slides ]

Ágnes Kalivoda, Farrell Ackerman, and Robert Malouf. 2022. "Periphrastic constructions and inflection internal to derivation." 20th International Morphology Meeting (IMM20), Budapest.

Ágnes Kalivoda, Robert Malouf, Farrell Ackerman and Bálint Sass. 2022. "Building a dependency treebank from the Hungarian Gigaword Corpus." 15th International American Association for Corpus Linguistics Conference (AACL 2022), Flagstaff. [ poster ]


Farrell Ackerman, Ágnes Kalivoda, and Robert Malouf. 2021. "A network analysis of Hungarian preverb constructions." Fifth American International Morphology Meeting (AIMM5), Ohio State University,.


Robert Malouf, Farrell Ackerman, and Arturs Semenuks. 2020. "Lexical databases for computational analyses: A linguistic perspective." In Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics. Vol. 3, Article 29. [ pdf ]


Farrell Ackerman and Robert Malouf. 2019. "A neural network approach to Nandi number marking." Fourth American International Morphology Meeting, Stony Brook University. [ slides ]

James P. Blevins, Farrell Ackerman, and Robert Malouf. 2019. "Word-and-Paradigm Morphology." In J. Audring and F. Masini (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Morphological Theory. Oxford University Press, Pages 265-284. [ pdf ]

Joseph Gibbons, Robert Malouf, Brian Spitzberg, Lourdes Martinez, Bruce Appleyard, Caroline Thompson, Atsushi Nara, and Ming-Hsiang Tsou. 2019. "Twitter-based measures of neighborhood sentiment as predictors of residential population health." PLoS One. 14:e0219550. [ doi ]


Farrell Ackerman, Robert Malouf, and John Moore. 2017. "Symmetrical objects in Moro: Challenges and solutions." Journal of Linguistics. 53:3-50. [ pdf ]

Robert Malouf. 2017. "Defaults and lexical prototypes." In Nikolas Gisborne and Andrew Hippisley (ed.), Defaults in Morphological Theory. Oxford University Press, Pages 269-300. [ pdf ]

Robert Malouf. 2017. "Gravity, radiation, and dialectometry." In Martijn Wieling, Martin Kroon, Gertjan van Noord, and Gosse Bouma (ed.), From Semantics to Dialectometry: Festschrift for John Nerbonne. College Publications, Pages 233--239. [ pdf ]

Robert Malouf. 2017. "Abstractive morphological learning with a recurrent neural network." Morphology. 27:431-458. [ pdf ]

Robert Malouf. 2017. "Morphology as a complex adaptive system?." Discussion paper presented at the Morphological Typology and Linguistic Cognition workshop, University of Kentucky. [ slides ]

Scott Seyfarth, Marc Garellek, Gwendolyn Gillingham, Farrell Ackerman, and Robert Malouf. 2017. "Acoustic differences in morphologically-distinct homophones." Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. 33:32-49. [ pdf ]


Farrell Ackerman and Robert Malouf. 2016. "Implicative relations in word-based morphological systems." In Andrew Hippisley and Gregory Stump (ed.), Cambridge Handbook of Morphology. Cambridge University Press, Pages 272-296. [ pdf ]

Farrell Ackerman and Robert Malouf. 2016. "Beyond caricatures: Commentary on Evans (2014)." Language. 91:189-194. [ pdf ]

Farrell Ackerman and Robert Malouf. 2016. "Word and pattern morphology: An information-theoretic approach." Word Structure. 9:125-131. [ pdf ]

Farrell Ackerman and Robert Malouf. 2016. " Patterns and discriminability in language analysis." Word Structure. 9:132-155. [ pdf ]

James P. Blevins, Farrell Ackerman, Robert Malouf, and Michael Ramscar. 2016. "Morphology as an adaptive discriminative system." In Heidi Harley and Daniel Siddiqi (ed.), Morphological Metatheory. Benjamins, Pages 269-300. [ pdf ]

N. Lawrence Edwards, Robert Malouf, Fernando Perez Ruiz, Pascal Richette, Siobhan Southam, and Matthew DiChiara. 2016. "A computational lexical analysis of the language commonly used to describe gout." Arthritis Care and Research. 68:763-768. [ pdf ]

Robert Malouf. 2016. "Deep learning for abstractive morphology." Computational methods for descriptive and theoretical morphology, 17th International Morphology Meeting Vienna, Austria February 18, 2016. [ slides ]

Robert Malouf. 2016. "Generating morphological paradigms with a recurrent neural network." San Diego Linguistics Papers. 6:122-129.


Farrell Ackerman and Robert Malouf. 2015. "The No Blur Principle effects as an emergent property of language systems." In Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. Pages 1-14. [ pdf ]

Robert Malouf, Farrell Ackerman, and Scott Seyfarth. 2015. "Explaining the Number Hierarchy." In Proceedings of the 37th Annual Cognitive Science Society Meeting. Pages 1500-1506. [ pdf ]


Scott Seyfarth, Farrell Ackerman, and Robert Malouf. 2014. "Implicative organization facilitates morphological learning." In Proceedings of the Fortieth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. Pages 480-494. [ pdf ]


Brad Davidson and Robert Malouf. 2013. "Digital primitives." Paper presented at 2013 SXSW Interactive. [ slides ]

Farrell Ackerman and Robert Malouf. 2013. "Morphological organization: The low conditional entropy conjecture." Language. 89:429-464. [ github | doi | pdf | correction ]

Farrell Ackerman, Robert Malouf, and John Moore. 2013. "Symmetrical objects and the architecture of HPSG: Evidence from Moro." Paper presented at the 20th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Berlin. [ abstract | slides ]

Robert Malouf and Brad Davidson. 2013. "Mapping the scientific narrative." Poster presented at the Conference on Semantics in Healthcare and Life Sciences. [ poster ]


Robert Malouf. 2012. "Defaults and lexical prototypes." Paper presented at the workshop on Defaults in Morphological Theory, University of Kentucky. [ slides ]


Robert Malouf and Farrell Ackerman. 2011. "Paradigmatics, syntagmatics, and the agglutinative ideal." Paper presented at the workshop on Quantitative Measure in Morphology and Morphological Development. [ slides ]

Robert Malouf and Farrell Ackerman. 2011. "The Low Entropy Conjecture: The challenges of Modern Irish nominal declension." Paper presented at the workshop on Challenges of Complex Morphology to Morphological Theory. [ slides ]


Robert Malouf. 2010. "Maximum entropy models." In Alex Clark, Chris Fox, and Shalom Lappin (ed.), Handbook of Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing. Wiley Blackwell, Pages 133-155. [ doi | info ]

Robert Malouf and Farrell Ackerman. 2010. "Paradigms: The low entropy conjecture." Paper presented at Workshop on Morphology and Formal Grammar, Paris. [ slides ]

Robert Malouf and Farrell Ackerman. 2010. "An evolutionary explanation for the Paradigm Economy Principle." Paper presented at 2010 Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Baltimore. [ slides ]

Robert Malouf and Farrell Ackerman. 2010. "Paradigm entropy as a measure of morphological simplicity." Paper presented at Workshop on Morphological Complexity: Implications for the Theory of Language, Harvard. [ slides ]


Farrell Ackerman, James P. Blevins, and Robert Malouf. 2009. "Parts and wholes: Patterns of relatedness in complex morphological systems and why they matter." In James P. Blevins and Juliette Blevins (ed.), Analogy in Grammar: Form and Acquisition. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Pages 54-82. [ pdf | doi ]

Robert Malouf. 2009. "Treebanks and evolutionary simulation for explaining typological patterns." Paper presented at the 7th Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theory. [ slides ]


Farrell Ackerman, Robert Malouf, and Gert Webelhuth. 2008. "A construction-theoretic approach to lexical periphrasis in Hungarian complex predicates." In Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Linguists. July 21-26, Seoul, Korea. [ slides ]

Farrell Ackerman, Robert Malouf, and James Blevins. 2008. "Inflectional morphology as a complex adaptive system." Paper presented at the First Annual Complex Systems and Language Workshop . [ slides ]

James Blevins, Farrell Ackerman, and Robert Malouf. 2008. "An entropy-based measure of morphological information." Paper presented at the 3rd Workshop on "Quantitative Investigations in Theoretical Linguistics" (QITL-3). [ abstract ]

Robert Malouf and Tony Mullen. 2008. "Taking sides: User classification for informal online political discourse." Internet Research. 18:177-190.


Robert Malouf. 2007. "Maximal consistent subsets." Computational Linguistics. 33:153-160. [ pdf | doi ]

Robert Malouf and Tony Mullen. 2007. "Graph-based user classification for informal online political discourse." In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Information Credibility on the Web (WICOW). Miyazaki, Japan. [ pdf ]


Farrell Ackerman and Robert Malouf. 2006. "Paradigm organization in the nominal declension system of Tundra Nenets." Words and Paradigms: Perspectives on Uralic, 12th International Morphology Meeting, Budapest, Hungary.

Farrell Ackerman and Robert Malouf. 2006. "Patterns of relatedness in complex morphological systems and why they matter." Workshop on Analogy in Grammar: Form and Acquisition. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany. [ handout ]

Robert Malouf. 2006. "Mixed Categories." In Keith Brown (ed.), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 2nd Edition. Vol. 8. Elsevier, Oxford. Pages 175-184. [ info ]

Robert Malouf. 2006. "Review of Corpus Linguistics: Readings in a Widening Discipline, Geoffrey Sampson and Diana McCarthy (eds.)." Computational Linguistics. 32:153-155. [ pdf | doi ]

Robert Malouf, Bradley Davidson, and Ashli Sherman. 2006. "Mining web texts for brand associations." In Proceedings of the AAAI-2006 Spring Symposium on "Computational Approaches to Analyzing Weblogs". Pages 125-126. [ pdf | poster ]

Tony Mullen and Robert Malouf. 2006. "A preliminary investigation into sentiment analysis of informal political discourse." In Proceedings of the AAAI-2006 Spring Symposium on "Computational Approaches to Analyzing Weblogs". Pages 159-162. [ pdf ]


Robert Malouf (ed.). 2005. Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Parsing Technologies (IWPT'05). Vancouver, BC. [ info ]

Gertjan van Noord and Robert Malouf. 2005. "Wide coverage parsing with stochastic attribute value grammars." Draft. [ pdf ]

Robert Malouf. 2005. "Disjunctive rule ordering in finite state morphology." Paper presented at the 41st Meeting of the Chicago Linguistics Society. [ abstract | slides ]

Robert Malouf. 2005. "Realizational morphology by disjunctive composition." Paper presented at the Alpino Workshop, University of Groningen. [ slides ]


Farrell Ackerman, Robert Malouf, and Irina Nikolaeva. 2004. "Cooperating constructions in Tundra Nenets." Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Construction Grammar, Marseille.

Farrell Ackerman, Robert Malouf, and Irina Nikolaeva. 2004. "Possessive relatives and cooperating constructions." Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Leuven.

Robert Malouf and Gertjan van Noord. 2004. "Wide coverage parsing with stochastic attribute value grammars." In IJCNLP-04 Workshop: Beyond shallow analyses - Formalisms and statistical modeling for deep analyses.pdf ]


Robert Malouf. 2003. "A quantitative look at mixed category constructions." Paper presented at 10th International Conference on HPSG, East Lansing, MI. [ slides ]

Robert Malouf. 2003. "Cooperating constructions." In E. Francis and L. Michaelis (ed.), Mismatch: Form-function Incongruity and the Architecture of Grammar. CSLI Publications, Stanford. Pages 403-424. [ pdf ]

Robert Malouf, John Carroll, and Ann Copestake. 2003. "Efficient feature structure operations without compilation." In S. Oepen, D. Flickinger, J. Tsujii, and H. Uszkoreit (ed.), Collaborative Language Engineering. CSLI Publications, Stanford. Pages 103-124. Reprint of Malouf, Carroll, and Copestake (2000).


Gertjan van Noord, et al. 2002. Algorithms for Linguistic Processing. NWO Pionier Progress Report. [ pdf ]

Leonoor van der Beek, Gosse Bouma, Robert Malouf, Gertjan van Noord. 2002. "The Alpino Dependency Treebank." In Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands 2001. Pages 8-22. [ pdf ]

Robert Malouf. 2002. "Markov models for language-independent named entity recognition." In Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Natural Language Learning (CoNLL-2002). Pages 183-186. [ pdf | doi ]

Robert Malouf. 2002. "A comparison of algorithms for maximum entropy parameter estimation." In Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Natural Language Learning (CoNLL-2002). Pages 49-55. [ pdf | software | doi ]


Ann Copestake, John Carroll, Dan Flickinger, Robert Malouf, and Stephan Oepen. 2001. "Using an open-source unification-based system for CL/NLP teaching." In Proceedings of the ACL/EACL 2001 Workshop on Sharing Tools and Resources for Research and Education. Pages 35-38. [ pdf | doi ]

Gosse Bouma, Gertjan van Noord, Robert Malouf. 2001. "Alpino: Wide coverage computational analysis of Dutch." In W. Daelemans, K. Sima'an, J. Veenstra, and J. Zavrel (ed.), Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands 2000. Rodolpi, Amsterdam. Pages 45-59. [ pdf ]

Gosse Bouma, Robert Malouf, and Ivan A. Sag. 2001. "Satisfying constraints on extraction and adjunction." Natural Language and Linguistic Theory. 19:1-65. [ pdf ]

Tony Mullen, Robert Malouf, and Gertjan van Noord. 2001. "Statistical parsing of Dutch using maximum entropy models with feature merging." In Proceedings of the 6th Natural Language Processing Pacific Rim Symposium. Pages 481-486. [ pdf ]


Robert Malouf. 2000. "A head-driven account of long-distance case assignment." In R. Cann, C. Grover, and P. Miller (ed.), Grammatical Interfaces in HPSG. CSLI Publications, Stanford. Pages 201-214. [ pdf ]

Robert Malouf. 2000. Mixed Categories in the Hierarchical Lexicon. CSLI Publications, Stanford. [ info ]

Robert Malouf. 2000. "The order of prenominal adjectives in natural language generation." In Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Pages 85-92. [ pdf | doi ]

Robert Malouf. 2000. "Verbal gerunds as mixed categories in HPSG." In R. Borsley (ed.), The Nature and Function of Syntactic Categories. Academic Press, New York. Pages 133-166. [ pdf ]

Robert Malouf, John Carroll, and Ann Copestake. 2000. "Efficient feature structure operations without compilation." Natural Language Engineering. 6:29-46. [ pdf | doi ]


Bernd Kiefer, Hans-Ulrich Krieger, John Carroll, and Robert Malouf. 1999. "A bag of useful techniques for efficient and robust processing." In Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 99). Pages 473-480. [ pdf | pdf ]

Robert Malouf. 1999. "West Greenlandic noun incorporation in a monohierarchical theory of grammar." In Gert Webelhuth, Andreas Kathol, and Jean-Pierre Koenig (ed.), Lexical and Constructional Aspects of Linguistic Explanation. CSLI Publications, Stanford. Pages 47-62. [ pdf ]


Gosse Bouma, Robert Malouf, and Ivan A. Sag. 1998. "A unified theory of complement, adjunct, and subject extraction." In Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Formal Grammar, Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, and Categorial Grammar. Saarbrücken. Pages 83-97.

Robert Malouf. 1998. "Categories, prototypes, and default inheritance." In Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Formal Grammar, Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, and Categorial Grammar. Saarbrücken. Pages 207-216. [ pdf ]

Robert Malouf. 1998. "Coherent nominalizations." Paper presented at 1998 Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, New York. [ pdf ]

Robert Malouf. 1998. Mixed Categories in the Hierarchical Lexicon. Stanford University. [ ps.gz | ps.gz (two up) ]


Robert Malouf. 1996. "A constructional approach to English verbal gerunds." In Proceedings of the Twenty-second Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. Pages 255-266. [ pdf ]


Ann Copestake, Dan Flickinger, Robert Malouf, Susanne Riehemann and Ivan A. Sag. 1995. "Translation using Minimal Recursion Semantics." In Proceedings of The Sixth International Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation. Leuven. Pages 15-32. [ pdf ]

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